In addition to the walking network for information on how to increase the member using soda, this substance is attributed to a number of useful features. For example, experts in traditional medicine claim that drinking soda (sodium bicarbonate) dissolved in water helps to get rid of heartburn.
Indeed, people who suffer from high stomach acidity, strengthens the effect. There is an opinion, that the drink composition to help cope with mycosis (fungal colonies) that are on the skin of the foot.

We found a recipe how to increase male penis soda, systematically eating him inside. Basically the thing is its positive effect on the internal organs. If people suffer from diseases related to pollution of the body, the penis is not completely filled with blood and it reaches its maximum size of an erection.
So, like soda, you can increase the member? If a big belly to hide the length of the manhood, sodium bicarbonate and promises to solve the problem of the removal of toxins and excess weight.
How to use soda to eliminate toxins and reduce weight:
- every day, take ¼ teaspoon of baking soda, but not on an empty stomach, so as not to provoke ulcers or gastritis;
- in the end that the number of taken substances tablespoon; some sources claim that cleansing the body is useful to also dissolve a teaspoon of product in a glass of water and taken on an empty stomach.
The method we recommend to combine taking SUPPLEMENTS designed to improve men's health. Supplements to promote blood circulation in the groin area, a beneficial effect on the prostate and increase potency. Because of the increased filling of the penis erection the blood, it increases in size, and thus the effect is achieved.
How to use dietary SUPPLEMENTS, listed on the package. It is not necessary to increase the dose or over the duration of the course.
To avoid the harmful consequences that follow several recommendations:
- you can't take soda for people with diseases of the stomach and intestines: gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis contraindications to this method;
- forbidden to drink soda for people with diabetes because of the risk of harmful effects on the blood cells;
- cancer is incompatible with the use of sodium bicarbonate inside the blood is diluted and in danger
- the distribution of changed cells in all the organs;
- dry, prone to sensitivity skin may become irritated and cause inflammation.
I want to emphasize that the method has not been confirmed empirically, and recorded in the official sources as any other popular recipe. Editorial is not responsible for the results that may be obtained.
The official medicine does not have the information, how to increase penis soda or achieve growth in another part of the body as a result of drinking the solution. Sodium bicarbonate any medical handbook not specified as a means to promote the enhancement of the human body.
What stomach issues, and it is not so clear. Despite the relieve a temporary effect, if bouts of heartburn, drink a soda to kill the beneficial bacteria living in the stomach, and the violation of the acid-alkaline balance in the digestive system. We do not undertake to say whether it is possible to cure diseases, gastro-intestinal tract in this way.
Alkali nisation of the body occurs, because the effects of sodium bicarbonate, and it carries risk of hormonal imbalance due to changes in the composition of blood and lymphatic fluid. The poet all of the recommendations, such as using soda to promote health — something to think about.
Wipe or wet with a solution of soda can burn received by careless handling of acid solutions. Also water with soda is useful as a gargle for sore throat, cold.
By rubbing the skin
A slurry of baking soda and water to a thick consistency without lumps be rubbed for 10 minutes every day, three times a day. The tool is used either alone or in combination with exercises, suspension of cargo or training extender.
The mask of honey
Honey cream prepared with 25 grams. soda and large spoon a waste product of bees. Estimates indicate that this preparation increases libido and prolongs sexual intercourse. Probably, minerals and biologically active substances, which make the erection more powerful, so as to increase blood circulation and metabolism in tissues.
It is worth remembering that honey is a strong allergen, so if you are prone to allergic reactions, so a honey mask to the penis impossible.
Cream (packaging)
Before empirically find out whether the soda add a member, if you can use it as a compress, you should prepare a solution. Take 2 tablespoons of baking soda and stir in ½ cup of heated water.
The authors of this recipe say that the procedure should be done at least one month, otherwise the result will not come. A glass of water if desired, add a drop of essential oil to achieve the effect of aromatherapy (relaxation).
Bath this cheap product, which can be found in each house will make the manhood more flexible. A glass of water you need to take a teaspoon of baking soda and dipped in the resulting composition the member for 15-20 minutes.

To make a simple body scrub based on sodium bicarbonate, moisten the body, and after a careful circular motion RUB the powder on its surface. Blood is persevered to achieve the tissue, so the peeling stimulates the erectile function and, as the authors of the recipe, slightly increase the member size. In some embodiments, the recipe describes how to apply the soda with milk.
The method is contra-indications:
- irritation, damage, lesions of the penis;
- allergic dermatitis, urticaria;
- pathological processes in the penis caused by sexually transmitted diseases, diabetes, etc.
- disturbance of acid-alkaline balance in the body;
- individual intolerance.
We have checked the sources and found that they did not find the answer to the question, how to increase penis soda. The authors of the articles on the effect of soda to increase a member, to mention only support its features.
In article it is mentioned that crystals of sodium bicarbonate can injure the mucosa, corrode or cause allergies. So, I decided to check on their own experience, is it possible to increase penis baking soda, you risk to receive wounds and forced to give up sex for a while.
To explore the question of soda to increase the member states, we came to the conclusion that it is better to use other, more reliable methods. Internet advisers tell me, how to enlarge penis with soda, rubbing it in before the massage, but we recommend to use specially designed creams.
This drug has a stimulating cream "Persian Shah" filling the tissues with oxygen and improves blood circulation, due to which the body looks bigger during erection.
"Persian Shah" also relieves fatigue after exercise extender and partially prevent the symptoms of overtraining, which often occur in beginners. A novice user can sometimes be too much, doing too long sets or by placing too much tension. If a man unwittingly broke the skin of the penis, the cream helps to recover faster.
During the massage medium is suitable for the lubricant and accelerating the consequences of exercise. However, the effect of this massage increase of the phallus, which come to us from ancient times, the ancient Arabs, have to wait 2-3 years. However, massage gives real results, unlike soda.
Ancient men tried to cheat nature and to add the reason-the place a couple of extra inches. For this purpose, the body weighed down, often for ritual purposes — the member has increased significantly. The procedure is done the boys, who were trained to become priests.
The extender works on the same principle, which was used by the ancient people, a permanent stretching of the body leads to its growth in length and thickness, due to enhanced cell division. Unlike soda, the performance of the method is confirmed officially: the unit is certified products of medical purpose.
How soda affects the size of the member
Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is a tool, wide application. In addition to using in cooking, it is used for cleaning dishes, eliminate heartburn etc Application, it is found in almost every part of modern life.
The unique properties of baking soda has found its application in penis enlargement. In addition, this tool allows you to get the following effects:
- Cleansing the genital organs of pathogenic micro-organisms, promoting their general improvement.
- The removal of toxins from the body.
- Stimulates the production of testosterone.
- The removal of the inflammatory processes.
- The positive effect of the original manifestations of prostatitis.
Sodium bicarbonate stimulates the blood circulation, because the use of soda inside leads to a thinning of the blood, improve blood circulation and normalize blood flow. Therefore, the blood rushes to the pelvic organs, improves erection.
When you use this tool in the form of baths and compresses, and the stimulation of intensive inflow of blood to the body, which leads to expansion the corpus cavernosum and increases of the penis.
Medical statistics show that the ordinary Russian is men tool length of 12 to 16 cm, it is the most normal, unremarkable member has a body length of 14 cm and a diameter of 2.5-3 cm.
With the help of these penis, and might well satisfy a woman, and become pregnant. However, many men think that their penis is too small, so they can advise penis enlargement baking soda.
It is scientifically proven that penis size of a man directly affects the mental representative of the stronger sex, and his self-esteem. Elena Malysheva one of his broadcasts showed that men who have a little dignity, are very aggressive, they are often the fixture is a very large car or a big dog. A kind of compensation.
A big penis is a good to raise self-esteem, as well as prefer anal sex. If you have decided that penis enlargement with the help of baking soda you need, below you will find instructions on how to perform this process in detail.
Baking soda is used actively in the role of household cleaners, as well as cooking. Less frequently it is used as a medicinal component, for example, to get rid of heartburn. However, this does not have all its features, because using soda can also affect the male organ. Enough to understand how it affects the body to better understand its impact.

- Taking the question, how baking soda member, it is worth mentioning, the stabilizing function. This enables the self-restoring erection and to eliminate possible inflammation of the prostate.
- Sodium bicarbonate increases blood flow to the area below the waist, so the man is longer and more robust.
- Please note that soda affects not only the body but also helps to prevent and inhibit the growth of benign and malignant tumors.
- Solution because an alkaline environment enables you to stop the division of abnormal cells. Therefore, this tool is useful not only change the size of the penis.
Soda solution used in inside and outside area and inside. The second method uses will allow you to eliminate congestion in the pelvic area, which occurs in people leading a sedentary lifestyle.
If the person is also not eating, so this style of existence leads to a weakening of erection. Therefore, it is necessary to remove congestion, enhance male function and increase sensitivity during intercourse.
By the way, if you use the soda, then strengthen the immune system. This can be equated to the prevention of male diseases that impair reproductive functions. Therefore, the effect of sodium bicarbonate Generally has a positive effect on health. Therefore, its use allows to achieve good results, if you follow the instructions.